Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Truth, Episode 2 coming out TONIGHT! CommandSurf and CommandBravo News...

Hey there guys, I want to say thanks to those who listened to the first podcast and hope you all enjoyed it.

I've decided the weekly "The Truth" podcast will be made available every Thursday evening, thereby most will decide to download it to kick their weekend off.

Stella from and will be our guest this week, she speaks on both her payment processor and (now) private investment program. I thank her for taking time out of her day to speak to us and I think you guys will enjoy the interview, it's a good one.

I'd like to let everybody know that the APG Referral Commission Program will no longer apply for either CommandSurf or CommandBravo. Unfortunately, I've received word from "The General" about that being against the terms of service, so while I'd definetely recommend joining up there (especially via our referral link :) I will not be able to provide any type of a rebate offer for either of those programs. Just know you'll be helping both get the show off the ground and helping start what promises to be one hell of an autosurf.

On the topic of CommandSurf and CommandBravo, I've extended an offer for any of the Admins over there to join us in Episode 3 next week, they've seemed somewhat receptive, so the possibility of having someone from CommandSurf next week on the Podcast is not out of the question. I'll keep you guys updated. As you've all heard, they've hiked up the recent ROI for CommandBravo making it a cool 150% after 30 days. Happy? Worried? Let me know at

I'm also taking this opportunity to extend my invitation to Andrew from Midas-Surf, Tim (Security Admin) over there has been extremely helpful, but members (myself included) are convinced this programs reached it's last days. I hope for everyone this isn't the case and I invite members over there to listen to the conference call they'll have tonight and hopefully it'll give us some solid answers either good or bad. I'll be inviting him on the conference call tonight!

Phew, got some work to wrap up, then I'm going to go ahead and finish up this weeks podcast,

All the best,
