Wednesday, December 13, 2006

12by12daily, EZSurfNEarn, Command Network...

Good afternoon all,

The Truth Episode 9 is on schedule to be released this Friday morning/afternoon, although I had originally hoped Mrs. Vee would be joining us, we were unable to arrange anything so I should have something recorded for the week after. It's actually not a bad thing, since there is SO much that has happened since the last podcast, maybe its better to get everything out there at once anyways.

Off to some news...

12By12Daily Institutes 50/50 Rule and suspends Commissions

Not too happy about this one but I'm sure many saw it coming, the 50/50 rule was hardly surprising, I think it was done a little late, in my opinion, but at least its being enforced now. The Referral Commissions being suspended was a good idea as well, since I think in general referral commissions hurt a program far worse then they help. I'll go into detail with my thoughts on referral commissions as a whole either via a CommandBlog article or on the Truth this week. I think 12by12 is hurting in a serious way right now, which came far earlier then I anticipated, I had a feeling they'd be good through February but that doesn't seem to be the case. Many have stated that since they stuck with only E-Gold that hurt their cause due to the flucuations in Gold prices. Since they're inception in July, however, the gold prices have consistently increased, so I think the opposite, it only benefitted them. I think the reason this program is beginning to falter is because so many people had trust from the beginning, and a whole bunch of people keeping max upgrades instead of slow and steady growth hurt this program, and it seems it will not live up to the famous (or infamous, however you wish to look at it) 12Dailypro. I'm hoping the 50/50 rule allows them to cashout, and I was paid for my 26th of November expiry this morning, I'm keeping my 50% in there as I'm pulling for 12by12, I think its obvious to all DND members, however, that the chances for getting a payout there are highly unlikely. I'm trying to be optimistic, but I anybody playing with more money then they can afford to lose should really get out in case it does fall.

E-Z Surf N' Earn Delayed E-Gold Payouts

This isn't affecting me in the slightest as I use STP exclusively on this site. All my cashouts have been on time (including commissions) and I think they've done incredible without a 50/50 rule in place. People complaining because cashouts aren't done on the same day of expiry are just plain spoiled, suck it up, it's a good program, I'll gladly wait seven business days if it helps them stay the excellent and prosperous program they've been since they've opened.

Command Network Takes TSMC

This can be viewed as both a good and bad thing, I love the Command Network and I spoke to Israel last night, he maintains that neither CommandBravo nor CommandSurf rely on other sites to achieve their proposed ROI's. Hey, they've been here since April so they are doing something right, XLO recently celebrated a year, and I think the closest contenders to achieving that level of stability would be these guys. On that same note, though, I think that tapping into TSMC's membership base is a good move, and the fees we collect would go to help out the programs, so that's a plus. In the same token, though, I'm worried that this move has hindered their chances at lasting for a year, because I strongly feel that TSMCs will be viable as long as Bob's programs are running. That's a good thing, if they last a year, if they do falter or the PP is shut down for any reason, then that could cripple a program like Stormpay did to DND. I know Israel and Matt are honest and straight shooters, and I know Bob doesn't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, I'm just hoping they've done their research. If track records show any indication, then they have and this will prove to be another good move.

Denali-Surf Makes the "Safelist"

A lot of people (myself included) are happy Denali made it on the Safelist, good for Ryan. I'm going to try to set something up with him in the near future, to get some more information, but from the initial emails/PM's I've heard from him, he is an intelligent and professional individual. I'll be pushing this site to the fullest once I get some money out from other sites. Remember, unlike others, I promote the sites I have MY OWN MONEY in.

Be careful
before joining any new site right now, stick with Vee's picks, as I agree with her, scammers are coming out of the woodwork this holiday season, nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a scammer stealing your money lol (heavy sarcasm intended). Watch out, don't join a bunch of new surfs for the hell of it, spend that money on ludicrously overpriced PS3's and the such, at least you'll get something out of it, instead of giving some dirty swine who probably won't have anyone to spend it on!

All the best, CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!

